Dragan Radenovich

Sculpture «SCREAM»

Public initiative to perpetuate the memory of the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic in Moscow
«Russians! I now appeal to all Russians, the inhabitants of Ukraine and Belarus in the Balkans are also considered Russians. Look at us and remember - they will do the same to you when you disassociate and give slack. West - a rabid chain dog will grab your throat.
Brothers, remember the fate of Yugoslavia! Don't let me do the same to you!
Why do you need Europe, Russians? It's hard to find a more self-sufficient people than you. It's Europe that needs you, but you don't need it. There are so many of you - as many as three countries, but there is no unity! You have everything of your own: a lot of land, energy, fuel, water, science, industry, culture. When we had Yugoslavia and we were united, we felt like a great force capable of moving mountains. Now, because of our own stupidity, nationalism, unwillingness to hear each other. Yugoslavia is no more, and we are pimples on the political map of Europe, new markets for their expensive junk and American democracy».

A square in Moscow in the Dorogomilovo district of the Western Administrative District. It is located between Berezhkovskaya embankment and Kievsky railway station on the bank of the Moskva River.
The square was built from September 2, 2001 to September 15, 2002 as part of a joint Russian-Belgian project as a symbol of the unity of Europe, similar projects have been implemented in other cities of Europe and Asia.
On the square there are 48 columns with flags of European countries, in the center of the ensemble there is an avant-garde sculpture "The Abduction of Europe", a fountain, not far away is the foundation stone of the monument "300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia".
The sculpture "SCREAM" will be facing towards the Kiev railway station.
    Fundraising - ANO "Institute for Sustainable Settlement Development"
    The ANO "Institute for Sustainable Settlement Development" has been in existence since 2005 and is actively working consistently to disseminate and implement the principles of ESG and sustainable development in general on the territory of Russia. We have helped a large number of settlements to conduct research, establish sound targets and key metrics, develop policies and plans for the development of settlements
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